\[ \newcommand{\argmin}{\mathop{\mathrm{argmin}}} \newcommand{\argmax}{\mathop{\mathrm{argmax}}} \newcommand{\minimize}{\mathop{\mathrm{minimize}}} \newcommand{\st}{\mathop{\mathrm{subject\,\,to}}} \]

This package provides tools for generalized quantile modeling: regularized quantile regression (with generalized lasso penalties and noncrossing constraints), cross-validation, quantile extrapolation, and quantile ensembles.


This package is not on CRAN yet, so it can be installed using the devtools package:

devtools::install_github(repo="ryantibs/quantgen", subdir="quantgen")

Building the vignettes takes a substantial amount of time. They are not included in the package by default. If you want to include vignettes (for local access), then you can use:

devtools::install_github(repo="ryantibs/quantgen", subdir="quantgen",
                         build_vignettes=TRUE, dependencies=TRUE)

Quantile lasso

Here we give some basic examples of how to fit a quantile lasso model. For details on how this problem is defined (and how quantgen casts it into a linear program), see the [mathematical details vignette].

To fit a quantile lasso model, we can use quantile_lasso(). Below, we do so at the quantile level \(\tau = 0.8\):


n = 100
p = 10
x = matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p)
x0 = rnorm(p)
mu = function(x) 2 + x[1] + x[2]
y = apply(x, 1, mu) + rnorm(n)

tau = 0.8
lambda = 2 * sqrt(get_lambda_max(x, y, Matrix::Diagonal(p)))
obj = quantile_lasso(x, y, tau=tau, lambda=lambda)

## [1] "quantile_lasso"    "quantile_genlasso"
round(coef(obj), 3) # Vector of length p + 1 (first entry is the intercept)
##  [1] 2.885 0.395 0.656 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
predict(obj, newx=x0)
##          [,1]
## [1,] 3.979133

The default in quantile_lasso() is to include an intercept in the model (via intercept = TRUE) and to standardize the predictors (to have unit norm, via standardize = TRUE). Important note (obvious in hindsight, but important nonetheless): in a quantile model, the intercept cannot be omitted by simply centering the response and the predictors, as it can in a standard regression model. The intercept depends critically on the quantile level \(\tau\). Above, the fact that the estimated intercept exceeds 2 is not an instance of poor estimation in the quantile lasso model, but reflects the gap between the level 0.8 and 0.5 quantiles of the standard normal distribution (note that qnorm(0.8) \(\approx 0.84\)).

The get_lambda_max() function computes (approximately) the effective maximum of the regularization path for a penalized quantile model with \(\tau = 0.5\), given a predictor matrix, response vector, and penalty matrix. In the case of the lasso, the penalty matrix is the identity.

We can see that the quantile_lasso() function returns an object of class quantile_lasso (inherited from quantile_genlasso), and comes with associated utilities coef() and predict().

Multiple quantiles

To fit solutions at multiple quantile levels, we can simply pass a vector for the tau argument:

tau_vec = c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9)
obj = quantile_lasso(x, y, tau=tau_vec, lambda=lambda)

round(coef(obj), 3) # Matrix of dimension (p + 1) x (number of tau values)
## 11 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
##       tau=0.1, lam=7.81 tau=0.5, lam=7.81 tau=0.9, lam=7.81
##  [1,]             0.116             1.890             3.461
##  [2,]             0.386             0.920             0.353
##  [3,]             0.382             0.789             0.489
##  [4,]             0.000             0.000             0.000
##  [5,]             0.000             0.000             .    
##  [6,]             0.000             0.000             0.000
##  [7,]             0.000             0.059             0.000
##  [8,]             0.000             0.000             0.000
##  [9,]             .                 0.000             .    
## [10,]             0.000             .                 .    
## [11,]             0.000             0.000             0.000
predict(obj, newx=x0)
##      tau=0.1, lam=7.81 tau=0.5, lam=7.81 tau=0.9, lam=7.81
## [1,]         0.7093832          3.074489          4.259551

To fit solutions at multiple tuning parameter values, we can also pass a vector for the lambda argument, in which case quantile_lasso() internally recycles the tau and lambda arguments so that they have equal length, and then solves separate quantile lasso problems, each with a quantile level tau[i] and tuning parameter lambda[i]. The two most common use cases are to pass a single value for tau and a vector for lambda, or to pass a vector for tau and a single value for lambda.

Tau x lambda grid

Solving quantile lasso problems over a two-dimensional grid of quantile levels and tuning parameter values is most convenient with quantile_lasso_grid(). In this function, passing lambda is optional; when not specified, the function quantile_lasso_grid() internally sets lambda to be a vector of length nlambda = 30, log-spaced between the value computed by get_lambda_max() and lambda_min_ratio = 0.001 times this value.

obj = quantile_lasso_grid(x, y, tau_vec)

# Matrix of dimension (p + 1) x (number of tau and lambda pairs)
## [1] 11 90
# Array of dimension (number of x0 points) x (number of lambda values) x 
# (number of tau values)
dim(predict(obj, new=x0)) 
## [1]  1 30  3

Other options

The quantile_lasso() function is a special case of its a parent function quantile_genlasso(), which allows for specification of a general penalty matrix. Both quantile_lasso() and quantile_genlasso() have several other options that you can read about in their documentation:

  • observation weights, which can be set via weights;
  • noncrossing constraints, which can be set via noncross and x0;
  • faster optimization using Gurobi (requires separate installation of the gurobi package), which can be set with lp_solver;
  • response transformation pre-optimization (and inverse transformation post-prediction), which can be set with transform (and inv_trans).